Thursday, May 16, 2013

Simple Note Of Encouragement

"When you look at a field of dandelions, you can either see a hundred weeds or a hundred wishes."

I saw this quote today (author unknown), and it just makes perfect since for our little life right now.  Amidst the chaos of an overgrown field of unknown, my husband and I have a choice.  We can choose to see all of the negative weeds surrounding Brennan's premature birth; we could focus on every little set-back and pitfall.  Or we can choose to triumph in all of the blessings and small victories; we could focus on his blossoming progress made each day.  The hubbs and I can and DO choose to see the beauty in the wild flower that is Brennan's early delivery. 

How lucky are we to have the opportunity to choose to see the wishes, the positives, the hopefuls?  We have been reminded that life is precious and fragile.  Every day we are given opportunities to rejoice in our son's miraculous existence.   Every day we are given opportunities to love and be thankful.

I offer the above quote as a simple note of encouragement.  Whether you are dealing with a complicated pregnancy, premature birth, or a situation that is entirely different, I say, "Chin up, Buttercup!"  

Stay positive.  Look for the beauty in the moment.  See the possibilities.  See a hundred wishes.  If you can find an ounce of joy in the most difficult of times, you will always find a bit of peace and happiness, and your life will continue to exceed it's grandeur.

[And if you need assistance finding the wishes, never hesitate to ask.  There are many valuable resources, gardeners if you will, available and out there who love to help plant seeds of happiness and hope.]  

Hundreds of Best Wishes!  


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