Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Caution: Road Closed

My last few posts have been about the wild, world of subchorionic hematomas.  Pregnancy in general, can be a wild, world of it's own.  I believe pregnancy is a beautiful thing, and can be flattering for any woman.  But we don't always experience the glow.  Sometimes, pregnancy can be down right unbecoming on a personal level.

Caution: Colon Tunnel Road is closed!  A waste disposal truck has turned over on it's side, blocking outbound traffic.  What's a gal to do?  Find alternate route.

That's right!  I'm talking about constipation (not a topic likely to be found on Twitter or Facebook.)  Definitely unbecoming! 

Dealing with constipation can be hard, no pun intended.  According to WebMD, bowel movements become difficult or the frequency of bowel movements decreases with this condition.  If you've experienced straining, hard stools, not being able to finish (incomplete evacuation of poop), or two or fewer #2s in a week, you know what I'm talking about.

I only experienced constipation once in my first pregnancy.  For me, that was followed by another badge of pregnancy, good ol' hemorrhoids.  This go around I've experienced constipation several times.  I believe I'm experiencing this aggravation more in this pregnancy due to bed rest and lack of proper exercise.

Maintaining proper nutrition/balanced meals with good fiber intake, and drinking plenty of water help combat this irritating preggo badge.  [Note: good sources of fiber include fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains such as bran.  (Don't forget to stock up on prunes.  Yuck!)]  I can check nutrition and water off of the list.  And of course, if you are able to move around and perhaps fit in a little exercise (following doctor's guidelines of course), that helps fight the condition as well.  Unfortunately, I can't check that box, so Metamucil has become my sexy little friend - the hot-bodied emergency road worker who steps up to clear the tunnel.  If I haven't defecated in a day or two (which is my regular cycle), and I start feeling a little backed up or clogged, I go ahead and add Metamucil to my agua.  That usually gets things flowing in the right direction.  I found my alternate route, and am always grateful for the de-congestion of traffic.

I'm trying to keep it real folks.  And I can only tell you what works for me.  While I love the beauty of pregnancy, even this complicated one, it can be gross at times.  And for me, talking about the good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the indifferent helps.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or medical professional.  Research constipation and other pregnancy related info for yourself and discuss with your own physician.      


  1. I had this problem all through both of my pregnancies and unfortunately it was even worse after I gave birth (for a few months) ugh! No fun at all! At least the Metamucil Is helping, the only thing it did for me was cause excess gas! Ick!

  2. Yeah, the Metamucil does cause me to be gassy... but shortly thereafter things clear up. I'm just glad I don't have to take it every day. :)
