There's just something about the parking garage at Brennan's hospital that has magical humorous powers. For the second night in a row, said powers have taken hold of me, and I find myself laughing like a mad woman over the silliest of things.
Upon departure this evening, I saw a strange object on the ground, beside the back tire of an expensive car. I couldn't tell if it was a small animal curled up (unlikely) or someone's dirty T-shirt (most likely.) As it turns out, someone lost their hair-piece. [I'm crying - laughing so hard right now I can barely type this out. Seriously, no idea why this is so funny to me! Okay, well I do have some idea. Hormone minions are at play.] When my husband said, "It's someone's hair-piece," I lost it! I couldn't contain my laughter. And before I could tell him I thought it might be a small animal, he spontaneously yelled out, "SQUIRREL!" If you would have been walking towards me in that parking garage, you might have moved over to the other side. I'm sure I should be embarrassed.
Once again, we hopped in the car to drive away. As my husband started backing out, I saw a couple of pedestrians, and yelled out, "People!" He stopped and let them pass. Then he started backing out again... and he yelled out, "Hamsters!" as a Kia Soul passed by. This had me rolling with laughter too, because our daughter absolutely loves the Kia Soul commercial with the Hamsters driving the car. She yells out "Hamsters" before she even sees them driving when this delightful little commercial airs.
And not to be crude, but I think I'm turning into a dude... or at least my sense of humor is morphing into that which guys seem to find hilarious. Lately, if you talk about any kind of bodily function around me... I can't contain myself. Normally this stuff doesn't tickle my funny bone.
My husband may not like me revealing this, but tonight he passed gas in his sleep. [I so wanted to use the word fart because of my morphing humor, but also wanted to try and stay classy. Yep, it's just not gonna happen. Sorry for dropping the F-word. Well, not THE F-word... no F-bombs here.] The whole room smelled of deviled eggs. Had our dog been here asleep on the floor, he would have woken up. Picturing all of this, once again, had me laughing so hard... I actually woke my husband.
Tonight my "stitches are burning," and I've taken pain medication. I feel as if I've laughed so hard lately, that I could seriously bust those stitches. My egg is cracked, and I've lost my mind laughing at some of the silliest things. Ridiculous even. But at least I'm laughing. Laughter truly has healing powers.
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