Saturday, May 18, 2013

Pump, Pump, Pump It Up! *Liquid Gold*

"Pump up the jam, Pump it up!"

Breastfeeding my first child was easy as cake.  We didn't have any issues.  My milk supply came in on time and never decreased, my daughter latched-on correctly and right away to my breast, I never had any infections, and we were able to nurse for a year and a month.

It has been a week and a day since my son was born premature.  I thought my milk supply was coming in on the third day (my breasts started leaking and I would feel it "drop down." Also, I started pumping mega mL.)  And then all of a sudden... things slowed back down drastically... and I'm having trouble picking things back up again.

I can't hold my son, and he can't nurse due to his gestational age.  So I must rely on the pump.  I'm getting plenty of rest.  I'm drinking plenty of water.  I'm eating well.  I've tried massaging my breasts.  I nurse bedside in the NICU when I can, and when I can't, I try to picture him.  I was unable to pump as frequently as I needed to in the beginning, and I think that's a huge factor as to why milk production slowed.  But now I am pumping regularly, and am discouraged by the lack of increase.

I talked with a lactation consultant and she suggested I try an herbal supplement called Fenugreek.  It is supposed to help increase milk production.  (It makes your urine smell like maple syrup, by the way.)  I started taking it yesterday and had two slightly better pumping sessions.  But overall, things remain slow to progress.  I am not the most patient person in the world when it comes to some things... this being one of them.  I suppose I'll just have to wait another day or two and see if the increased number of pumps with the combined use of Fenugreek will stimulate milk flow.  I hope so!  I want my little man to consume this LIQUID GOLD!  Fingers crossed!  I just don't want what little bit I am producing to dry up completely.

Once again, this pregnancy and the birth of my second child proves to be completely different from that of my first. 


  1. I had the worse time with addy and breastfeeding and end up just pumping since she wouldn't latch and was a biter. Ouchie! Eating oatmeal helped me but both that and fenugreek made addy gassy. Hope your supply increases. I know how frustrating it is. Hang in there mama! - Helen

  2. Fenugreek helped us too! My older sister drinks mothers milk tea as well when she wants to increase supply!!

  3. Today was a better day! Feeling encouraged, not discouraged!
