Sunday, May 19, 2013

Liquid Gold Update

Today was a better day!  I am feeling much more encouraged in the pumping department. 

Yesterday, I stated my frustration with pumping breast milk, and I was starting to get discouraged.  Over the last few days I'd only been pumping about a mL each session.

But in the wee, early hours of the morning, I pumped a whopping 10 mL!  And I've been pumping 10 every two hours since!  I am so very excited to share my liquid gold update!  I'm hoping tomorrow will produce even better results!  I'm thankful the lactation consultant suggested Fenugreek.  It seems to be working already!

I'll do everything I can to provide what's best for my little guy.  I personally feel breast milk is best - there are just so many benefits to mommy's liquid gold.  But science has come a long way too, and there are some great formulas out there.  The important thing is that little one gets all of the nutrients he needs to grow healthy and strong.  Nom, nom, nom! 

1 comment:

  1. Almost a week later and production slowly continues to rise. For a while it was barely a mL each session. Then supply increased to 10 mL a session. After that I was up to 15 mL, 20 mL... 25 mL... and today I finally started getting around 30 mL a session. Yes, I AM getting there. Slowly but surely.
