Saturday, June 29, 2013

Toddler Shenanigans

My kid cracks me up.  She's always making me laugh, and I love it.  Here are a few of her latest shenanigans (which I like to call M*Isms):

The other day McPhearson and my husband went for a walk at the park.  They decided to beat the heat and head back indoors.  When they entered the hospital, M wiped her brow and said, "Whoo!"  Two little old ladies were sitting nearby and started rolling with laughter.  I'm glad they got a kick out of my kiddo... my little comedian.

Tonight Big M and Little M were playing in her room.  She picked up her toy cell phone and said, "Hi, this is Courteney.  I'm calling to check on Brennan."  Guess y'all know who's at the top of my call list... NICU!  (BTW, Little Man is doing great!  He's now 3.5 pounds!) 

Toddlers will try anything to get out of bed, and I've heard a lot of it.  And I'm sure I'll hear much, much more over the next several years.
*  I need to go potty/pee/poop.  (For a while this was a true winner - I mean, blue ribbon placement, gold medal material, etc.  We didn't want to deny bathroom time when we started potty training.  But the girl is quick!  Learns fast, she does.  Now we MAKE SURE to try before bed.  And if she makes the claim after she's tucked-in, we give her a try.  She's learning not to cry wolf on this one.)
*  I want to hold you (meaning she wants us to hold her.)
*  I NEED to give you a big hug and a big kiss.  Or sneaks... her version of Eskimo kisses.
*  I NEED Lambie, Leo Lion, Mr. Mooey, Woody, Buzz Lightyear, Jessie, Baby Frog, Iggy Monkey, Mickey, Minnie, or any other number of stuffed animals to sleep with.
*  I NEED polka-dots snuggle snuggle.  (Blanket.)
*  I NEED you to read me a story.
*  I'm scared of monsters.  (Thanks Calliou.  You are no longer welcome in my house.  J/K  But seriously, didn't realize how bratty this character was.  Some of the books aren't bad.  Some of the cartoons aren't that bad either.  But we monitor and turn off the ones that are over the top.)
*  I want water.
*  Can I brush my teeth again?
*  The list goes on and on and on.  But the one that really tugs at my heartstrings:  MOMMY!  MOMMY I NEED YOU!

Just another day in the life.  I wonder what toddler shenanigans she'll get into tomorrow.  

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