According to Wikipedia, the Bloodhound dog breed is a large, "scent" hound. This hound receives acclaim for it's ability to use it's schnoz in distinguishing human scent, across vast distances (including over water), after several days.
Back in the day - around the Middle Ages, these dogs were bred to track humans, and today are most commonly bred for that specific purpose. Originally, the hounds were bred for hunting game such as wild boar and deer. It's no wonder law enforcement officials around the globe use these fellas on duty. With their "keen sense of smell" and "strong and tenacious tracking instinct," bloodhounds can help find the most innocent or guilty of persons... missing persons, lost persons, escaped persons...
On a more scientific level, just to give you a little more insight, bloodhounds have 4 billion olfactory receptor cells - scent catchers; we mere humans only have 5 million cells in our honkers. Did you know their long ears and loose skin serve a purpose as well? These flaps and folds function as scent particle retainers, reinforcing odors to memory and nose.
Okay, so why am I talking about bloodhounds? Well, I might as well be one!
When women become pregnant, one of the many "symptoms" can be a heightened sense of smell. Thank you hormones, more specifically, estrogen! This remains in effect after giving birth as well. I mean, something has to alert us to all of those poopy diapers daddy won't change when he is holding your precious bundle of joy (while you are at the opposite end of the house, on another floor, trying to get a little shut-eye.) Gag reflex stopping him from changing a diaper? I don't think so! FYI: My husband was the first one to jump in and change our daughter's diapers. We never had issues taking turns. Some dads are totally amazing like that!
But we moms don't just detect poopy diapers, now do we?
Tonight the hubbs and I decided to go out to eat to our favorite Mexican restaurant. We were sitting a quarter of the way across the room from the restroom, and all I could smell was bathroom cleaning product. (I must confess, it was better than the alternative!) Also, every time the front door opened, I could smell cigarette smoke coming from the tables outside... and we were no where near that door!
There have been a number of things my nostrils detect... that others don't seem to pick up on right away... until we move closer. All thanks to those good ole hormones.
(Oh lordy, I'm reminded of my superb odor-detector and batch of hormones honing in on cooking onions during my first trimester - direct line to morning sickness! Beware of the super-sniffer!)
Well, sign me up for training! I could help the bloodhounds out for a short while.
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