Tuesday, April 30, 2013

I'm Sexy And I Know It!

The wild, world of Subchorionic Hematomas: Part 2.

Back in March I went to the hospital for the first time during my complicated pregnancy due to "gushers" that just wouldn't let up.  I'd been experiencing active blood loss for nearly a month and a half, but never lost so much so fast.  I wasn't in any pain.  I wasn't having early contractions.  In fact, I wasn't even really cramping.  The on-call doc seemed to think I would be okay, but asked me to go to the hospital and check-in to the Triage unit on the Maternal ward so we could check on B2 and make sure he was okay.  Gladly, I agreed.

I called my mom in the middle of the night, and she came over to our home to stay with my daughter so Big M and I could go take care of business.  We checked-in at midnight, and the long, early hours of the morning stretched out in front of us.

I was a hot mess.  I hadn't had a shower all day as I constantly visited that which "contained the Red Sea."  My hair was pulled up into a loose, scraggly pony tail, and was all over the place.  My legs were unshaved.  I rolled in wearing sweats, and changed into the gorgeous designer gown lavished upon me by the couture label known as Hospital (insert little thingy over the "a" to make hospital sound upscale).  I was issued my first pair of Depends.  Oh yes, this sexy lingerie had my husband's head turning - away from me probably to laugh a little.  (I had to!)  And of course, as we all know, those fabulous designer gowns are open in the back, making evening wear all the more sexy.  Oh, and did I mention my fabulous footwear!?!  No, not designer heels, although Jimmy Choos would have been fancy.  I sported the super-stylish hospital issued ankle footies - WITH NO-SLIP GRIPPERS!

The nurse hooked me up to all kinds of monitors: fetal monitor, blood pressure monitor, an IV, etc.  I was asked all sorts of questions.  Later I had two ultrasounds performed.  I talked with a goofy doc; he was really quite quirky, but also completely wonderful.  Then a new nurse came in to take over my care.  I received a wonderful cocktail to lighten the mood - 2 bags of IV fluids to keep me hydrated.  Let me just say, those cocktails pack a punch.  I was up and down to the bathroom every so often.

Of course, when going to the bathroom in an upscale venue such as the hospital, your entourage loves to accompany you.  The nurse held my IV cord and pushed the unit around on rollers for me down the hall.  It was like my best girlfriend holding my clutch... and drink.

On the way back from the bathroom, I told my nurse that I was a hot mess.  I teased and said, "I should be in one of those 'I'm Sexy and I Know It' videos."  I even inserted music and broke down with "da da da da der da-da da-da."  She laughed.  I laughed.  At least I could laugh.

Happily we checked-out of the hospital that morning around 7:30 am, and I was still pregnant.  And Little Man was still healthy.

Through my complication, I still try to find the silver lining in my circumstance.  If anyone is reading this, I hope you can too.  Stay positive and relaxed as best you can.  It's best for both you and baby.  Laugh too.  Laughter is the best medicine.  And as my grandmother always said, "This too shall pass."  We go through the hard stuff to better appreciate easier times.


  1. Heard they are now making those lovely gowns so that they close in the back... would love to see what the new trend will be... also, gotta love the no-slip gippers on the top AND the bottom of the socks! :)
