Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Little Relief

I don't want to jinx anything, but this is news worth sharing!

This weekend has given me a little relief.  Yes!  Friends, I have had a little break.  While I still have active blood loss, it slowed down drastically Thursday evening and remained fairly slow to flow over the last two and a half days.  Due to a more "dry" feeling, I've been able to relax more.  Things have picked up slightly today in the "Yucky Department," and I've had a little cramping.  But I simply have to give thanks for a good weekend (after a semi-chaotic week.)

It's in the little things!  Small victories! 


  1. I spoke too soon, lol. Things have started back up tonight. Really don't love the gushers. Oh well, at least I had the weekend. And tomorrow I'll be 23 weeks preggers!
