Big M: Matt. A veteran Sailor. He is the light of my life and my best friend. I love him with all of my heart and look forward to celebrating our wedding anniversary this summer. I couldn't imagine walking through life with anyone else. Matt is my better half, my strength, my place of tranquility. He enjoys sharing knowledge with others and losing track of time on his computer. (Sorry honey, I've taken over tonight! Love you!)
Little M: McPhearson. My bundle of joy! She is amazing in every way. And she is growing up way too fast! M is a happy baby and is also curious. She enjoys spending her day reading, singing and exercising. I must say she is very clever: when asked what sound the monkey makes she will say "ah ah ah." She says "ut-oh" when she drops a toy. She will roll a ball back and forth. She's just so stinkin' cute... what else can I say!